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 * `State` instances are used to define the application logic by precising
 * specific user interaction cases, and how they impact the overal temporal
 * representation. The abstractions extending this base class should be
 * considered as the main interface between the visualization and the
 * application logic. All provided states should be seen as simple examples for
 * rapid prototyping,
 * States manage interactions like zooming, browsing, or editing the timeline.
 * Customized states should extend this BaseState.
export default class BaseState {
   * Returns timeline tracks collection.
   * @type {TrackCollection}
  constructor(timeline) {
     * A reference to the timeline on which the state should be installed.
     * @type {Timeline}
    this.timeline = timeline;

   * Returns timeline tracks collection.
   * @type {TrackCollection<Track>}
  get tracks() {
    return this.timeline.tracks;

   * Returns all registered layers.
   * @type {Array<Layer>}
  get layers() {
    return this.timeline.tracks.layers;

   * Called when the timeline is entering the state.
  enter() {}

   * Called when the timeline is leaving the state.
  exit() {}

   * Main interface method to override when creating a new `State`. Handle event
   * from mouse or keyboard, should define behavior according to the event
   * (aka. mousedown, mouseup, ...).
   * @param {WaveEvent} e - the event to process.
   * @param {Array} hitLayers - the layers hit by the mouse event (if surface
   * event).
  handleEvent(e, hitLayers) {}