* A generator to create data for grid axis according to a `bpm` and a `meter`.
* [example usage](./examples/layer-axis.html)
* @param {Number} bpm - The number of beats per minutes.
* @param {String} signature - The meter of the mesure (`'4/4'`, `'3/8'`, ...).
* @return {Function} - The configured function returning the data when called.
export default function gridAxisGenerator(bpm, signature) {
const _bps = bpm / 60; // sec
const _unit = 1 / parseInt(signature.split('/')[1], 10);
const _nbrUnitsPerMesure = parseInt(signature.split('/')[0], 10);
return function(timeContext) {
const duration = timeContext.visibleDuration;
const offset = timeContext.offset;
const data = [];
// const min = Math.min(-offset, 0);
const min = - offset;
// remove the timeline's offset to keep the layer centered
const max = duration - offset;
// define pixels for 1 second
const pixelsPerSecond = timeContext.computedPixelsPerSecond;
// time for one _unit
const unitTime = 1 / _bps;
// define the first tick > min
const modulo = min % unitTime;
const mult = (min - modulo) / unitTime;
const firstTickTime = unitTime * mult;
// track which position of current beat in the mesure
let positionInMesure = mult % _nbrUnitsPerMesure;
// remove not focused beats, if zoomed out
const pixelsPerTick = pixelsPerSecond / _bps;
const minStep = 5;
// time should be
for (let time = firstTickTime; time < max; time += unitTime) {
// find first beat
const focused = (positionInMesure++ % _nbrUnitsPerMesure === 0);
// ignore if pixels per ticks is too small
if ((pixelsPerTick <= minStep) && !focused) { continue; }
data.push({ time, focused });
return data;