Source: core/BaseLfo.js

import parameters from '@ircam/parameters';

let id = 0;

 * Base `lfo` class to be extended in order to create new nodes.
 * Nodes are divided in 3 categories:
 * - **`source`** are responsible for acquering a signal and its properties
 *   (frameRate, frameSize, etc.)
 * - **`sink`** are endpoints of the graph, such nodes can be recorders,
 *   visualizers, etc.
 * - **`operator`** are used to make computation on the input signal and
 *   forward the results below in the graph.
 * In most cases the methods to override / extend are:
 * - the **`constructor`** to define the parameters of the new lfo node.
 * - the **`processStreamParams`** method to define how the node modify the
 *   stream attributes (e.g. by changing the frame size)
 * - the **`process{FrameType}`** method to define the operations that the
 *   node apply on the stream. The type of input a node can handle is defined
 *   by its implemented interface, if it implements `processSignal`, a stream
 *   of type `signal` can be processed, `processVector` to handle
 *   an input of type `vector`.
 * <span class="warning">_This class should be considered abstract and only
 * be used as a base class to extend._</span>
 * #### overview of the interface
 * **initModule**
 * Returns a Promise that resolves when the module is initialized. Is
 * especially important for modules that rely on asynchronous underlying APIs.
 * **processStreamParams(prevStreamParams)**
 * `base` class (default implementation)
 * - call `prepareStreamParams`
 * - call `propagateStreamParams`
 * `child` class
 * - override some of the inherited `streamParams`
 * - creates the any related logic buffers
 * - call `propagateStreamParams`
 * _should not call `super.processStreamParams`_
 * **prepareStreamParams()**
 * - assign prevStreamParams to this.streamParams
 * - check if the class implements the correct `processInput` method
 * _shouldn't be extended, only consumed in `processStreamParams`_
 * **propagateStreamParams()**
 * - creates the `frameData` buffer
 * - propagate `streamParams` to children
 * _shouldn't be extended, only consumed in `processStreamParams`_
 * **processFrame()**
 * `base` class (default implementation)
 * - call `prepareFrame`
 * - assign frameTime and frameMetadata to identity
 * - call the proper function according to inputType
 * - call `propagateFrame`
 * `child` class
 * - call `prepareFrame`
 * - do whatever you want with incomming frame
 * - call `propagateFrame`
 * _should not call `super.processFrame`_
 * **prepareFrame()**
 * - if `reinit` and trigger `processStreamParams` if needed
 * _shouldn't be extended, only consumed in `processFrame`_
 * **propagateFrame()**
 * - propagate frame to children
 * _shouldn't be extended, only consumed in `processFrame`_
 * @memberof module:core
class BaseLfo {
  constructor(definitions = {}, options = {}) {
    this.cid = id++;

     * Parameter bag containing parameter instances.
     * @type {Object}
     * @name params
     * @instance
     * @memberof module:core.BaseLfo
    this.params = parameters(definitions, options);
    // listen for param updates

     * Description of the stream output of the node.
     * Set to `null` when the node is destroyed.
     * @type {Object}
     * @property {Number} frameSize - Frame size at the output of the node.
     * @property {Number} frameRate - Frame rate at the output of the node.
     * @property {String} frameType - Frame type at the output of the node,
     *  possible values are `signal`, `vector` or `scalar`.
     * @property {Array|String} description - If type is `vector`, describe
     *  the dimension(s) of output stream.
     * @property {Number} sourceSampleRate - Sample rate of the source of the
     *  graph. _The value should be defined by sources and never modified_.
     * @property {Number} sourceSampleCount - Number of consecutive discrete
     *  time values contained in the data frame output by the source.
     *  _The value should be defined by sources and never modified_.
     * @name streamParams
     * @instance
     * @memberof module:core.BaseLfo
    this.streamParams = {
      frameType: null,
      frameSize: 1,
      frameRate: 0,
      description: null,
      sourceSampleRate: 0,
      sourceSampleCount: null,

     * Current frame. This object and its data are updated at each incomming
     * frame without reallocating memory.
     * @type {Object}
     * @name frame
     * @property {Number} time - Time of the current frame.
     * @property {Float32Array} data - Data of the current frame.
     * @property {Object} metadata - Metadata associted to the current frame.
     * @instance
     * @memberof module:core.BaseLfo
    this.frame = {
      time: 0,
      data: null,
      metadata: {},

     * List of nodes connected to the ouput of the node (lower in the graph).
     * At each frame, the node forward its `frame` to to all its `nextModules`.
     * @type {Array<BaseLfo>}
     * @name nextModules
     * @instance
     * @memberof module:core.BaseLfo
     * @see {@link module:core.BaseLfo#connect}
     * @see {@link module:core.BaseLfo#disconnect}
    this.nextModules = [];

     * The node from which the node receive the frames (upper in the graph).
     * @type {BaseLfo}
     * @name prevModule
     * @instance
     * @memberof module:core.BaseLfo
     * @see {@link module:core.BaseLfo#connect}
     * @see {@link module:core.BaseLfo#disconnect}
    this.prevModule = null;

     * Is set to true when a static parameter is updated. On the next input
     * frame all the subgraph streamParams starting from this node will be
     * updated.
     * @type {Boolean}
     * @name _reinit
     * @instance
     * @memberof module:core.BaseLfo
     * @private
    this._reinit = false;

   * Returns an object describing each available parameter of the node.
   * @return {Object}
  getParamsDescription() {
    return this.params.getDefinitions();

   * Reset all parameters to their initial value (as defined on instantication)
   * @see {@link module:core.BaseLfo#streamParams}
  resetParams() {

   * Function called when a param is updated. By default set the `_reinit`
   * flag to `true` if the param is `static` one. This method should be
   * extended to handle particular logic bound to a specific parameter.
   * @param {String} name - Name of the parameter.
   * @param {Mixed} value - Value of the parameter.
   * @param {Object} metas - Metadata associated to the parameter.
  onParamUpdate(name, value, metas = {}) {
    if (metas.kind === 'static')
      this._reinit = true;

   * Connect the current node (`prevModule`) to another node (`nextOp`).
   * A given node can be connected to several operators and propagate frames
   * to each of them.
   * @param {BaseLfo} next - Next operator in the graph.
   * @see {@link module:core.BaseLfo#processFrame}
   * @see {@link module:core.BaseLfo#disconnect}
  connect(next) {
    if (this.streamParams === null || next.streamParams === null)
      throw new Error('Invalid connection: cannot connect a dead node');

    if (this.streamParams.frameType !== null) { // graph has already been started
      // next.processStreamParams(this.streamParams);
      next.initModule().then(() => {
        // we can forward frame from now
        next.prevModule = this;
    } else {
      next.prevModule = this;

   * Remove the given operator from its previous operators' `nextModules`.
   * @param {BaseLfo} [next=null] - The operator to disconnect from the current
   *  operator. If `null` disconnect all the next operators.
  disconnect(next = null) {
    if (next === null) {
      this.nextModules.forEach((next) => this.disconnect(next));
    } else {
      const index = this.nextModules.indexOf(this);
      this.nextModules.splice(index, 1);
      next.prevModule = null;

   * Destroy all the nodes in the sub-graph starting from the current node.
   * When detroyed, the `streamParams` of the node are set to `null`, the
   * operator is then considered as `dead` and cannot be reconnected.
   * @see {@link module:core.BaseLfo#connect}
  destroy() {
    // destroy all chidren
    let index = this.nextModules.length;

    while (index--)

    // disconnect itself from the previous operator
    if (this.prevModule)

    // mark the object as dead
    this.streamParams = null;

   * Return a `Promise` that resolve when the module is ready to be consumed.
   * Some modules relies on asynchronous APIs at initialization and thus could
   * be not ready to be consumed when the graph starts.
   * A module should be consider as initialized when all next modules (children)
   * are themselves initialized. The event bubbles up from sinks to sources.
   * When all its next operators are ready, a source can consider the whole graph
   * as ready and then start to produce frames.
   * The default implementation resolves when all next operators are resolved
   * themselves.
   * An operator relying on external async API must override this method to
   * resolve only when its dependecy is ready.
   * @return Promise
   * @todo - Handle dynamic connections
  initModule() {
    const nextPromises = => {
      return module.initModule();

    return Promise.all(nextPromises);

   * Helper to initialize the stream in standalone mode.
   * @param {Object} [streamParams={}] - Parameters of the stream.
   * @see {@link module:core.BaseLfo#processStreamParams}
   * @see {@link module:core.BaseLfo#resetStream}
  initStream(streamParams = {}) {

   * Reset the `` buffer by setting all its values to 0.
   * A source operator should call `processStreamParams` and `resetStream` when
   * started, each of these method propagate through the graph automaticaly.
   * @see {@link module:core.BaseLfo#processStreamParams}
  resetStream() {
    // buttom up
    for (let i = 0, l = this.nextModules.length; i < l; i++)

    // no buffer for `scalar` type or sink node
    // @note - this should be reviewed
    if (this.streamParams.frameType !== 'scalar' && !== null) {
      const frameSize = this.streamParams.frameSize;
      const data =;

      for (let i = 0; i < frameSize; i++)
        data[i] = 0;

   * Finalize the stream. A source node should call this method when stopped,
   * `finalizeStream` is automatically propagated throught the graph.
   * @param {Number} endTime - Logical time at which the graph is stopped.
  finalizeStream(endTime) {
    for (let i = 0, l = this.nextModules.length; i < l; i++)

   * Initialize or update the operator's `streamParams` according to the
   * previous operators `streamParams` values.
   * When implementing a new operator this method should:
   * 1. call `this.prepareStreamParams` with the given `prevStreamParams`
   * 2. optionnally change values to `this.streamParams` according to the
   *    logic performed by the operator.
   * 3. optionnally allocate memory for ring buffers, etc.
   * 4. call `this.propagateStreamParams` to trigger the method on the next
   *    operators in the graph.
   * @param {Object} prevStreamParams - `streamParams` of the previous operator.
   * @see {@link module:core.BaseLfo#prepareStreamParams}
   * @see {@link module:core.BaseLfo#propagateStreamParams}
  processStreamParams(prevStreamParams = {}) {

   * Common logic to do at the beginning of the `processStreamParam`, must be
   * called at the beginning of any `processStreamParam` implementation.
   * The method mainly check if the current node implement the interface to
   * handle the type of frame propagated by it's parent:
   * - to handle a `vector` frame type, the class must implement `processVector`
   * - to handle a `signal` frame type, the class must implement `processSignal`
   * - in case of a 'scalar' frame type, the class can implement any of the
   * following by order of preference: `processScalar`, `processVector`,
   * `processSignal`.
   * @param {Object} prevStreamParams - `streamParams` of the previous operator.
   * @see {@link module:core.BaseLfo#processStreamParams}
   * @see {@link module:core.BaseLfo#propagateStreamParams}
  prepareStreamParams(prevStreamParams = {}) {
    Object.assign(this.streamParams, prevStreamParams);
    const prevFrameType = prevStreamParams.frameType;

    switch (prevFrameType) {
      case 'scalar':
        if (this.processScalar)
          this.processFunction = this.processScalar;
        else if (this.processVector)
          this.processFunction = this.processVector;
        else if (this.processSignal)
          this.processFunction = this.processSignal;
          throw new Error(`${} - no "process" function found`);
      case 'vector':
        if (!('processVector' in this))
          throw new Error(`${} - "processVector" is not defined`);

        this.processFunction = this.processVector;
      case 'signal':
        if (!('processSignal' in this))
          throw new Error(`${} - "processSignal" is not defined`);

        this.processFunction = this.processSignal;
        // defaults to processFunction

   * Create the `` buffer and forward the operator's `streamParam`
   * to all its next operators, must be called at the end of any
   * `processStreamParams` implementation.
   * @see {@link module:core.BaseLfo#processStreamParams}
   * @see {@link module:core.BaseLfo#prepareStreamParams}
  propagateStreamParams() { = new Float32Array(this.streamParams.frameSize);

    for (let i = 0, l = this.nextModules.length; i < l; i++)

   * Define the particular logic the operator applies to the stream.
   * According to the frame type of the previous node, the method calls one
   * of the following method `processVector`, `processSignal` or `processScalar`
   * @param {Object} frame - Frame (time, data, and metadata) as given by the
   *  previous operator. The incomming frame should never be modified by
   *  the operator.
   * @see {@link module:core.BaseLfo#prepareFrame}
   * @see {@link module:core.BaseLfo#propagateFrame}
   * @see {@link module:core.BaseLfo#processStreamParams}
  processFrame(frame) {

    // frameTime and frameMetadata defaults to identity
    this.frame.time = frame.time;
    this.frame.metadata = frame.metadata;


   * Pointer to the method called in `processFrame` according to the
   * frame type of the previous operator. Is dynamically assigned in
   * `prepareStreamParams`.
   * @see {@link module:core.BaseLfo#prepareStreamParams}
   * @see {@link module:core.BaseLfo#processFrame}
  processFunction(frame) {
    this.frame = frame;

   * Common logic to perform at the beginning of the `processFrame`.
   * @see {@link module:core.BaseLfo#processFrame}
  prepareFrame() {
    if (this._reinit === true) {
      const streamParams = this.prevModule !== null ? this.prevModule.streamParams : {};
      this._reinit = false;

   * Forward the current `frame` to the next operators, is called at the end of
   * `processFrame`.
   * @see {@link module:core.BaseLfo#processFrame}
  propagateFrame() {
    for (let i = 0, l = this.nextModules.length; i < l; i++)

export default BaseLfo;