import BaseDisplay from './BaseDisplay';
import MinMax from '../../common/operator/MinMax';
import Rms from '../../common/operator/Rms';
import { getColors } from '../utils/display-utils';
const definitions = {
colors: {
type: 'any',
default: getColors('waveform'),
metas: { kind: 'dyanmic' },
rms: {
type: 'boolean',
default: false,
metas: { kind: 'dyanmic' },
* Display a waveform (along with optionnal Rms) of a given `signal` input in
* a canvas.
* @param {Object} options - Override default parameters.
* @param {Array<String>} [options.colors=['waveform', 'rms']] - Array
* containing the color codes for the waveform (index 0) and rms (index 1).
* _dynamic parameter_
* @param {Boolean} [options.rms=false] - Set to `true` to display the rms.
* _dynamic parameter_
* @param {Number} [options.duration=1] - Duration (in seconds) represented in
* the canvas. _dynamic parameter_
* @param {Number} [options.min=-1] - Minimum value represented in the canvas.
* _dynamic parameter_
* @param {Number} [options.max=1] - Maximum value represented in the canvas.
* _dynamic parameter_
* @param {Number} [options.width=300] - Width of the canvas.
* _dynamic parameter_
* @param {Number} [options.height=150] - Height of the canvas.
* _dynamic parameter_
* @param {Element|CSSSelector} [options.container=null] - Container element
* in which to insert the canvas. _constant parameter_
* @param {Element|CSSSelector} [options.canvas=null] - Canvas element
* in which to draw. _constant parameter_
* @param {Number} [options.referenceTime=null] - Optionnal reference time the
* display should considerer as the origin. Is only usefull when synchronizing
* several display using the `DisplaySync` class.
* @memberof module:client.sink
* @example
* import * as lfo from 'waves-lfo/client';
* const audioContext = new window.AudioContext();
* navigator.mediaDevices
* .getUserMedia({ audio: true })
* .then(init)
* .catch((err) => console.error(err.stack));
* function init(stream) {
* const audioIn = audioContext.createMediaStreamSource(stream);
* const audioInNode = new lfo.source.AudioInNode({
* audioContext: audioContext,
* sourceNode: audioIn,
* frameSize: 512,
* });
* const waveformDisplay = new lfo.sink.WaveformDisplay({
* canvas: '#waveform',
* duration: 3.5,
* rms: true,
* });
* audioInNode.connect(waveformDisplay);
* audioInNode.start();
* });
class WaveformDisplay extends BaseDisplay {
constructor(options) {
super(definitions, options, true);
this.minMaxOperator = new MinMax();
this.rmsOperator = new Rms();
/** @private */
processStreamParams(prevStreamParams) {
/** @private */
processSignal(frame, frameWidth, pixelsSinceLastFrame) {
// drop frames that cannot be displayed
if (frameWidth < 1) return;
const colors = this.params.get('colors');
const showRms = this.params.get('rms');
const ctx = this.ctx;
const data =;
const iSamplesPerPixels = Math.floor(data.length / frameWidth);
for (let index = 0; index < frameWidth; index++) {
const start = index * iSamplesPerPixels;
const end = index === frameWidth - 1 ? undefined : start + iSamplesPerPixels;
const slice = data.subarray(start, end);
const minMax = this.minMaxOperator.inputSignal(slice);
const minY = this.getYPosition(minMax[0]);
const maxY = this.getYPosition(minMax[1]);
ctx.strokeStyle = colors[0];
ctx.moveTo(index, minY);
ctx.lineTo(index, maxY);
if (showRms) {
const rms = this.rmsOperator.inputSignal(slice);
const rmsMaxY = this.getYPosition(rms);
const rmsMinY = this.getYPosition(-rms);
ctx.strokeStyle = colors[1];
ctx.moveTo(index, rmsMinY);
ctx.lineTo(index, rmsMaxY);
export default WaveformDisplay;