Source: engines/GranularEngine.js

import AudioTimeEngine from '../core/AudioTimeEngine';

function optOrDef(opt, def) {
  if (opt !== undefined)
    return opt;

  return def;

 * Granular synthesis TimeEngine implementing the scheduled interface.
 * The grain position (grain onset or center time in the audio buffer) is
 * optionally determined by the engine's currentPosition attribute.
 * Example that shows a `GranularEngine` (with a few parameter controls) driven
 * by a `Scheduler` and a `PlayControl`:
 * {@link}
 * @extends AudioTimeEngine
 * @example
 * import * as audio from 'waves-audio';
 * const scheduler = audio.getScheduler();
 * const granularEngine = new audio.GranularEngine();
 * scheduler.add(granularEngine);
 * @param {Object} options={} - Parameters
 * @param {AudioBuffer} [options.buffer=null] - Audio buffer
 * @param {Number} [options.periodAbs=0.01] - Absolute grain period in sec
 * @param {Number} [options.periodRel=0] - Grain period relative to absolute
 *  duration
 * @param {Number} [options.periodVar=0] - Amout of random grain period
 *  variation relative to grain period
 * @param {Number} [options.periodMin=0.001] - Minimum grain period
 * @param {Number} [options.position=0] - Grain position (onset time in audio
 *  buffer) in sec
 * @param {Number} [options.positionVar=0.003] - Amout of random grain position
 *  variation in sec
 * @param {Number} [options.durationAbs=0.1] - Absolute grain duration in sec
 * @param {Number} [options.durationRel=0] - Grain duration relative to grain
 *  period (overlap)
 * @param {Number} [options.attackAbs=0] - Absolute attack time in sec
 * @param {Number} [options.attackRel=0.5] - Attack time relative to grain duration
 * @param {String} [options.attackShape='lin'] - Shape of attack
 * @param {Number} [options.releaseAbs=0] - Absolute release time in sec
 * @param {Number} [options.releaseRel=0.5] - Release time relative to grain duration
 * @param {Number} [options.releaseShape='lin'] - Shape of release
 * @param {String} [options.expRampOffset=0.0001] - Offset (start/end value)
 *  for exponential attack/release
 * @param {Number} [options.resampling=0] - Grain resampling in cent
 * @param {Number} [options.resamplingVar=0] - Amout of random resampling variation in cent
 * @param {Number} [options.gain=1] - Linear gain factor
 * @param {Boolean} [options.centered=true] - Whether the grain position refers
 *  to the center of the grain (or the beginning)
 * @param {Boolean} [options.cyclic=false] - Whether the audio buffer and grain
 *  position are considered as cyclic
 * @param {Number} [options.wrapAroundExtension=0] - Portion at the end of the
 *  audio buffer that has been copied from the beginning to assure cyclic behavior
class GranularEngine extends AudioTimeEngine {
  constructor(options = {}) {

     * Audio buffer
     * @type {AudioBuffer}
     * @name buffer
     * @default null
     * @memberof GranularEngine
     * @instance
    this.buffer = optOrDef(options.buffer, null);

     * Absolute grain period in sec
     * @type {Number}
     * @name periodAbs
     * @default 0.01
     * @memberof GranularEngine
     * @instance
    this.periodAbs = optOrDef(options.periodAbs, 0.01);

     * Grain period relative to absolute duration
     * @type {Number}
     * @name periodRel
     * @default 0
     * @memberof GranularEngine
     * @instance
    this.periodRel = optOrDef(options.periodRel, 0);

     * Amout of random grain period variation relative to grain period
     * @type {Number}
     * @name periodVar
     * @default 0
     * @memberof GranularEngine
     * @instance
    this.periodVar = optOrDef(options.periodVar, 0);

     * Minimum grain period
     * @type {Number}
     * @name periodMin
     * @default 0.001
     * @memberof GranularEngine
     * @instance
    this.periodMin = optOrDef(options.periodMin, 0.001);

     * Grain position (onset time in audio buffer) in sec
     * @type {Number}
     * @name position
     * @default 0
     * @memberof GranularEngine
     * @instance
    this.position = optOrDef(options.position, 0);

     * Amout of random grain position variation in sec
     * @type {Number}
     * @name positionVar
     * @default 0.003
     * @memberof GranularEngine
     * @instance
    this.positionVar = optOrDef(options.positionVar, 0.003);

     * Absolute grain duration in sec
     * @type {Number}
     * @name durationAbs
     * @default 0.1
     * @memberof GranularEngine
     * @instance
    this.durationAbs = optOrDef(options.durationAbs, 0.1); // absolute grain duration

     * Grain duration relative to grain period (overlap)
     * @type {Number}
     * @name durationRel
     * @default 0
     * @memberof GranularEngine
     * @instance
    this.durationRel = optOrDef(options.durationRel, 0);

     * Absolute attack time in sec
     * @type {Number}
     * @name attackAbs
     * @default 0
     * @memberof GranularEngine
     * @instance
    this.attackAbs = optOrDef(options.attackAbs, 0);

     * Attack time relative to grain duration
     * @type {Number}
     * @name attackRel
     * @default 0.5
     * @memberof GranularEngine
     * @instance
    this.attackRel = optOrDef(options.attackRel, 0.5);

     * Shape of attack ('lin' for linear ramp, 'exp' for exponential ramp)
     * @type {String}
     * @name attackShape
     * @default 'lin'
     * @memberof GranularEngine
     * @instance
    this.attackShape = optOrDef(options.attackShape, 'lin');

     * Absolute release time in sec
     * @type {Number}
     * @name releaseAbs
     * @default 0
     * @memberof GranularEngine
     * @instance
    this.releaseAbs = optOrDef(options.releaseAbs, 0);

     * Release time relative to grain duration
     * @type {Number}
     * @name releaseRel
     * @default 0.5
     * @memberof GranularEngine
     * @instance
    this.releaseRel = optOrDef(options.releaseRel, 0.5);

     * Shape of release ('lin' for linear ramp, 'exp' for exponential ramp)
     * @type {String}
     * @name releaseShape
     * @default 'lin'
     * @memberof GranularEngine
     * @instance
    this.releaseShape = optOrDef(options.releaseShape, 'lin');

     * Offset (start/end value) for exponential attack/release
     * @type {Number}
     * @name expRampOffset
     * @default 0.0001
     * @memberof GranularEngine
     * @instance
    this.expRampOffset = optOrDef(options.expRampOffset, 0.0001);

     * Grain resampling in cent
     * @type {Number}
     * @name resampling
     * @default 0
     * @memberof GranularEngine
     * @instance
    this.resampling = optOrDef(options.resampling, 0);

     * Amout of random resampling variation in cent
     * @type {Number}
     * @name resamplingVar
     * @default 0
     * @memberof GranularEngine
     * @instance
    this.resamplingVar = optOrDef(options.resamplingVar, 0);

     * Linear gain factor
     * @type {Number}
     * @name gain
     * @default 1
     * @memberof GranularEngine
     * @instance
    this.gain = optOrDef(options.gain, 1);

     * Whether the grain position refers to the center of the grain (or the beginning)
     * @type {Boolean}
     * @name centered
     * @default true
     * @memberof GranularEngine
     * @instance
    this.centered = optOrDef(options.centered, true);

     * Whether the audio buffer and grain position are considered as cyclic
     * @type {Boolean}
     * @name cyclic
     * @default false
     * @memberof GranularEngine
     * @instance
    this.cyclic = optOrDef(options.cyclic, false);

     * Portion at the end of the audio buffer that has been copied from the
     * beginning to assure cyclic behavior
     * @type {Number}
     * @name wrapAroundExtension
     * @default 0
     * @memberof GranularEngine
     * @instance
    this.wrapAroundExtension = optOrDef(options.wrapAroundExtension, 0);

    this.outputNode = this.audioContext.createGain();

   * Get buffer duration (excluding wrapAroundExtension)
   * @type {Number}
   * @name bufferDuration
   * @memberof GranularEngine
   * @instance
   * @readonly
  get bufferDuration() {
    if (this.buffer) {
      var bufferDuration = this.buffer.duration;

      if (this.wrapAroundExtension)
        bufferDuration -= this.wrapAroundExtension;

      return bufferDuration;

    return 0;

   * Current position
   * @type {Number}
   * @name currentPosition
   * @memberof GranularEngine
   * @instance
   * @readonly
  get currentPosition() {
    var master = this.master;

    if (master && master.currentPosition !== undefined)
      return master.currentPosition;

    return this.position;

  advanceTime(time) {
    time = Math.max(time, this.audioContext.currentTime);
    return time + this.trigger(time);

   * Trigger a grain. This function can be called at any time (whether the
   * engine is scheduled or not) to generate a single grain according to the
   * current grain parameters.
   * @param {Number} time - grain synthesis audio time
   * @return {Number} - period to next grain
  trigger(time) {
    var audioContext = this.audioContext;
    var grainTime = time || audioContext.currentTime;
    var grainPeriod = this.periodAbs;
    var grainPosition = this.currentPosition;
    var grainDuration = this.durationAbs;

    if (this.buffer) {
      var resamplingRate = 1.0;

      // calculate resampling
      if (this.resampling !== 0 || this.resamplingVar > 0) {
        var randomResampling = (Math.random() - 0.5) * 2.0 * this.resamplingVar;
        resamplingRate = Math.pow(2.0, (this.resampling + randomResampling) / 1200.0);

      grainPeriod += this.periodRel * grainDuration;
      grainDuration += this.durationRel * grainPeriod;

      // grain period randon variation
      if (this.periodVar > 0.0)
        grainPeriod += 2.0 * (Math.random() - 0.5) * this.periodVar * grainPeriod;

      // center grain
      if (this.centered)
        grainPosition -= 0.5 * grainDuration;

      // randomize grain position
      if (this.positionVar > 0)
        grainPosition += (2.0 * Math.random() - 1) * this.positionVar;

      var bufferDuration = this.bufferDuration;

      // wrap or clip grain position and duration into buffer duration
      if (grainPosition < 0 || grainPosition >= bufferDuration) {
        if (this.cyclic) {
          var cycles = grainPosition / bufferDuration;
          grainPosition = (cycles - Math.floor(cycles)) * bufferDuration;

          if (grainPosition + grainDuration > this.buffer.duration)
            grainDuration = this.buffer.duration - grainPosition;
        } else {
          if (grainPosition < 0) {
            grainTime -= grainPosition;
            grainDuration += grainPosition;
            grainPosition = 0;

          if (grainPosition + grainDuration > bufferDuration)
            grainDuration = bufferDuration - grainPosition;

      // make grain
      if (this.gain > 0 && grainDuration >= 0.001) {
        // make grain envelope
        var envelope = audioContext.createGain();
        var attack = this.attackAbs + this.attackRel * grainDuration;
        var release = this.releaseAbs + this.releaseRel * grainDuration;

        if (attack + release > grainDuration) {
          var factor = grainDuration / (attack + release);
          attack *= factor;
          release *= factor;

        var attackEndTime = grainTime + attack;
        var grainEndTime = grainTime + grainDuration / resamplingRate;
        var releaseStartTime = grainEndTime - release;

        envelope.gain.value = 0;

        if (this.attackShape === 'lin') {
          envelope.gain.setValueAtTime(0.0, grainTime);
          envelope.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(this.gain, attackEndTime);
        } else {
          envelope.gain.setValueAtTime(this.expRampOffset, grainTime);
          envelope.gain.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(this.gain, attackEndTime);

        if (releaseStartTime > attackEndTime)
          envelope.gain.setValueAtTime(this.gain, releaseStartTime);

        if (this.releaseShape === 'lin') {
          envelope.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(0.0, grainEndTime);
        } else {
          envelope.gain.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(this.expRampOffset, grainEndTime);


        // make source
        var source = audioContext.createBufferSource();

        source.buffer = this.buffer;
        source.playbackRate.value = resamplingRate;

        source.start(grainTime, grainPosition);

    return Math.max(this.periodMin, grainPeriod);

export default GranularEngine;