$ npm install wavesjs/waves-audio
$ npm install wavesjs/waves-lfo
$ npm install wavesjs/waves-ui

UI - What you can do with it

The aim of this tutorial is to create a more complex visualization, combining several components of the waves.js library, as well as how they can be integrated with d3. At the end of the tutorial, you should be able to build the following example:

Let dig into the code step-by-step:

1. HTML setup

First, define some html tag to host the visualization, and load the library

<div id="zoomer"></div>
<div id="timeline"></div>
<script src="/path/to/waves.js"></script>

2. Javascript setup

We add some data to be visualized:

// Define a path to sound file
// @NOTE: For performance consideration, you should consider to serve some
// mp3 or ogg file according to the client browser
var filePath = '/assets/sound.wav';

// Define some labels/segments to draw above the waveform visualization
var metadata = [
    start: 0.3,
    duration: 0.4,
    text: 'label 1'
  }, {
    start: 2,
    duration: 0.5,
    text: 'label 2'

The time unit used inside a timeline, especially if visualizing audio data through a waveform should be the second. The start and duration properties inside the data are therefore expressed in seconds.

3. Load the audio file

The waves library provide an AudioBufferLoader to load some audio file and converting it to an audioBuffer with a promise API. Let’s use it:

// Create an instance of the buffer
var bufferLoader = new waves.loaders.AudioBufferLoader();

// load an audio file
  function(buffer) {
    // add a try/catch to work around promises error throwing
    try {
      // main function - all subssquent code should be considered inside this function
      // this function receive the buffer as argument
    } catch (err) {
  function(err) {

4. Create the graph and its layers

The following code show you how to create a graph containing several components. It will use the waveform component to display the audio buffer, a segment and a label component binded to the same data (see metadata in 2. Javascript setup), and marker layer to create an anchor that will be used to visualize the center of the zoom.

// The following code should be considered inside the `drawGraph` function,
// therefore the variable `buffer` is an `audioBuffer` instance

// 1. Create the graph / timeline
// ----------------------------------------
var graph = waves.ui.timeline()
  .xDomain([0, buffer.duration]) // Set the time domain of the graph
  .width(800) // Sets the graph width in pixels
  .height(200); // Sets the graph height in pixels

// 2. Create the waveform visualizer
// ----------------------------------------
var waveformLayer = waves.ui.waveform()
  // The waveform uses raw data internally, so we pass it the raw `arrayBuffer`

// 3. create some segments / labels to display metadata
// ----------------------------------------
var segmentLayer = waves.ui.segment()
    interactions: { editable: true },
    opacity: 0.3,
    handlerOpacity: 0.5 // handlers opacity are higher to see them with ease

var labelLayer = waves.ui.label()
  .x(function(d, v) { return d.start; })
  .width(function(d, v) { return d.duration; })
  .margin({ top: 2, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 4 })

// In order to keep the illusion of synchronism between segments and labels,
// the labels needs to be updated when segments are modified by the user
segmentLayer.on('drag', function(item, e) {

// 4. Create an anchor to visualize zooming center
// ----------------------------------------
var anchor = waves.ui.marker()
  // Set `displayHandle` to false to remove the handle of markers
  .params({ displayHandle: false })

// 5. Add all the components to the graph
// ----------------------------------------

// 6. draw the graph and all its components through a `` inside the `#timeline` div tag
// ----------------------------------------'#timeline').call(graph.draw);

5. Add the zooming ability to the whole timeline

First, let’s create a d3 axis inside the #zoomer tag (the following code is pure d3):

// Create a svg element for the zoomer
var zoomerSvg ='#zoomer').append('svg')
  .attr('width', graphWidth)
  .attr('height', 30);

// Create the time axis - here a common d3 axis
// Graph must be drawn in order to have `graph.xScale` up to date
var xAxis = d3.svg.axis()
  .tickFormat(function(d) {
    var form = d % 1 === 0 ? '%S' : '%S:%L';
    var date = new Date(d * 1000);
    var format = d3.time.format(form);
    return format(date);

// Add the axis to the newly created svg element
var axis = zoomerSvg.append('g')
  .attr('class', 'x-axis')
  .attr('transform', 'translate(0, 0)')
  .attr('fill', '#555')

Then, bind the waves.ui.zoomer helper to this newly created axis, and configure it to interact with the graph we created earlier:

var zoom = zoomer()
  .select('#zoomer') // Bind the zoomer helper to the `#zoomer` tag
  .on('mousedown', function(e) {
      // Update anchor position
      var xDomainPos = graph.xScale.invert(e.anchor);
    .on('mousemove', function(e) {
      // Update graph
      // update axis;
    .on('mouseup', function(e) {
      // Set the final xZoom value of the graph
      // update axis;

6. Add somme style

To help the user, you can add some css to display usefull information about the possible interactions:

svg text {
  font-family: monospace;
  font-size: 11px;

#zoomer {
  cursor: ns-resize;

.segment-item {
  cursor: all-scroll;

.segment-item .handle {
  cursor: ew-resize;

Et voilà, you should now have a working visualization of your audio file and its metadatas!